Mary, Queen of the Family is blessed to have many diverse ministries committed to our Mission. We’d love for you to be involved in ministry! Please contact the Parish Office to find out how you can be a part of ministry.

Also known as ministers of Communion, these ministers distribute the body and blood of Christ at masses and communion services.

These ministers assist in the set-up and celebration of masses. They also serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at the same masses.

Altar servers assist the priest and acolytes/adult servers during the mass with non-liturgical tasks.

The music ministry is a diverse ministry with many different bands, choirs and performers. Their job is to lead the Parish in worship through music.

The collectors’ ministry is responsible for collecting money for the mission of the Diocese and the Parish at all masses.

The counting ministry counts all monies collected by collectors at masses, including Planned Giving and DWF.

The clean teams are instrumental in keeping our churches clean, creating a deeply reverent and worshipful atmosphere in the Parish.

Our children’s liturgy ministers break open the Word of God for our children each week at morning masses.

The liturgy team is a consulting team that discusses and advises best practice, and ways to improve the Liturgical experience in the parish.

Ministers of the word, or readers, are responsible for proclaiming the Word of God at all masses and communion services.

Multimedia ministers have a thorough understanding of the multimedia systems in both churches, helping to create a smoothly flowing, distraction-free Mass.

The ministry of hospitality extends the welcome of MQOF Parish to all who attend masses, be they parishioners or visitors.

The Piety stall stocks a number of items which enrich the faith lives of parishioners in different ways.

The Altar Society is a care-taking ministry for the Altar and its accoutrements, ensuring that the Liturgy space is kept worshipfully presentable.

The Welcoming Team extends the welcome of Mary, Queen of the Family Parish to every single person who comes to an event or Mass.

Members gather weekly in prayer and help the parish in a variety of ministries.

A prayer group gathering weekly praying for vocations.

A prayer group that meets monthly to learn and be inspired by the work of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop.

A prayer groups that meets weekly to pray for things that trouble us.

A prayer group that meets monthly for fellowship and prayer.

menAlive MQOF is the men’s formation group, a place where men from all walks of life meet to discuss their faith and share their journeys.

A group of people who meet weekly to discuss and learn about the Bible and the impact in their lives.

The Sacramental Team prepares children and provides formation for the completion of their Sacraments of Initiation.

Youth Ministry is a formative ministry for young people at MQOF, a cyclical program that caters to young people at all stages of their faith journey.

Pathways is a reflection program aligned with liturgical seasons to deepen the faith or parishioners.

The RCIA is a program that educates adults on and initiates them into the Catholic Church.

This includes all areas of ministry in the parish that have a focus on children. This includes the yearly Faith’n’Family Holiday Experience held in January each year.

The PPC is a group of elected parishioners who meet monthly to discuss the vision for the direction and growth of the Parish.

The Finance Committee is responsible for assisting the Parish Priest with the financial stewardship of the Parish to achieve our Parish goals.

The Parish Team is responsible for the daily operations of the Parish in addition to preparation for the weekend and other special liturgies.

The MQOF Café provides a space for parishioners and other community members to come together in a pastoral environment and grow in their relationships.

This ministry provides an opportunity for widows and widowers to come together in a social setting for support and companionship after the loss of a partner.

The Social Justice Group meets monthly to bring to life the mission of the parish to respond to the needs of the community and areas of social justice in the Blacktown area and beyond. 

This team cares for people within the parish by visiting those who are in need and keeping them connected with the parish and wider community.

Vinnies is instrumental in providing assistance to families and individuals who are most in need of help in their weekly lives.

Special Religious Educators take the Catholic faith to state schools in our local community.