Alpha is an opportunity to explore life and the Christian faith,
in a friendly, open and informal environment.



Please register by filling out this online form or the form in the Parish Bulletin and returning it on a collection plate at Mass or to the Parish Office.


Like all similar programs, Alpha simply won’t be able to function effectively without the support of passionate volunteers. Please contact us to volunteer. Specific details for volunteering can be found on this roster. If you are able to commit to helping out, please follow the instructions on the roster to nominate yourself for a particular task and then fill out this form with your contact details. New volunteer rosters will be released at the conclusion of each Alpha course.


We understand that many parishioners may want to help in some way with Alpha but unfortunately can’t commit to volunteering for various reasons. What we’ve introduced to supplement and support Alpha is a Prayer Team.

If you would like to commit to praying for the success of the Alpha program over its duration, please take a minute to fill out this spreadsheet. This will help show our Alpha participants the support of the Parish in their journey.



Why Alpha? Because it directly relates to our parish mission to Welcome, Grow and Act!

Alpha deepens welcome because it invites everyone – without distinction – to the very core of our faith and in a safe space to ask and share about life’s biggest questions.

Alpha enriches growth because it takes you on a journey towards a deeper relationship with God and builds the confidence to share your story within a community.

Alpha fosters action because it is a launch pad for participants and volunteers alike to bring to life their faith.

No two Alphas look the same, but generally they have three key things in common: a shared meal, a talk and small group discussion.


Food has a way of bringing people together that is often unmatched. That’s why most Alpha sessions will begin with a shared meal. Extending our welcome through hospitality is a great way to bring all participants together as a group, and form connections with each other in this journey of exploring faith.



The talks in the Alpha series are designed to encourage participants to have a conversation about their faith. The video talks are about thirty minutes long, exploring and unpacking issues of faith and the basics of Christianity. Most importantly, they raise questions for participants to think about.


Group discussion is the most important part of an Alpha session, cultivating the bonds that were formed at mealtimes and over each session. Participants are given the chance to share their thoughts and ideas with their small group in a guided discussion on the topic of the week. This is an opportunity to share together and learn from each other’s thoughts and experiences, gaining new perspectives of our identity as a faith community.

What can you get out of Alpha? Head over to the Alpha Australia to find out more.